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The Audacious Woman Retreat

October 26-29, 2023
Scottsdale, Arizona

You’ve been telling yourself you can’t for way too long.
The truth is - YOU WON’T.
You won’t get up earlier so you can prioritize yourself.
You won’t show up for yourself when you don’t feel like it.

You won’t surrender to the truth because it feels like too much like sacrifice for you.
You won’t
commit to anything new because it will require you to release what you’re used to.

You're feeling overwhelmed and defeated by the cycle of stuck to survival mode and it seems to be impossible to break the cycle.


In this season, you are going to have to choose to be audacious.

No more judging yourself for not reaching all of the goals you set this week, this month or this year - but not knowing how to shift to setting goals with intention.


No more feeling guilty about not crossing more things off your to-do list each day or week - but being overwhelmed with how to prioritize because everyone and everything seems so important.

No more being afraid to say no because people expect your yes - but you feel strongly God is calling you to do a new thing, and you're unsure how folks will respond when you say YES to YOURSELF.


You MUST have the audacity to be Famous at Home First.

And there are levels to this:

Famous at home with YOUR Creator, your source: God. Investing in and cultivating a strong relationship with Him. Knowing you are who He says you are
Famous at home in YOUR Body - from your mind and heart to your physical strength. Knowing your body is the temple where the Holy Spirit dwells and honoring it accordingly.
Famous at home where and with whom YOU Have Dominion Over. With the people and things God has given you dominion over. Stewarding them well. The best way to express gratitude for your blessings is by honoring God in the way you steward them.

The Audacious Women Retreat is for You If You're Ready to:


  • Learn to live a lifestyle of breakthroughs and FINALLY stop living in survival mode

  • Unlock immediate growth through coaching, tips and tools to catapult you forward

  • Transform your daily life experiences with renewed clarity and the courage to get out of your own way. 

  • Create covenant connections with likeminded women on the journey to living fulfilled and financially free lives.

  • Reinvent your selfcare practice, rituals and routines to nourish the woman you are from the inside out every single day


What to Expect

  • An all-inclusive experience, your price includes the entirety of your stay, travel, activities and meals.

  • Self-care experiences to increase your self-awareness, elevate your practice and rejuvenate your mind, body and spirit

  • Meals and snacks prepared by a private chef daily, beginning with your welcome reception and fairwell brunch

  • Beautiful accommodations with amazing amenities including but not limited to private pool, golf course, movie theater and MORE

  • An intimate group experience to ensure you are learning, growing and connecting with other women, but also able to get what you need for yourself

Your Investment

Single Occupancy


  • Economy class flight

  • Accommodations with private bathroom

  • All meals by catered chef

  • All activities, supplies, workbook

Shared Occupancy

(2 to a bed OR bunk beds)


  • Economy class flight

  • Accommodations with private bathroom

  • All meals by catered chef

  • All activities, supplies, workbook

Your Accommodations


Day 1 - Reintroducing YOU

Welcome Reception and Bonfire

YES! There will be a theme.

YES! You should come photo ready.

YES! You can take a dip in the pool if you please.

Day 2 - Get out of Your Way

Why am I feeling stuck?

What is the difference between stuck + survival mode?

Do I have trust issues?

What is The POWER Morning?


Day 3 - Self-Care + Soul Care

Am I The MVP?

Why don't I know my purpose?

How do I DO self-care?

Am I doing THE MOST or what's MOST important?

Day 4 - Audacity Activated

How do I live in breakthrough?

What nation am and my purpose called to?

Where do I begin with my to don't and ta da lists?

What are my boundaries and non-negotiables? 

How will I increase my impact and my income?


Your Hostess + Facilitator


Tiffany Huff-Strothers:

  • Life + Storytelling Coach

  • Award Winning Author

  • Award Winning Retreat Hostess

  • Serial Entrepreneur

Called to support and challenge women like you to CHOOSE live audaciously, starting with being Famous at Home First!​

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