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The Audacity Academy
April 10, 2023-June 30, 2023

Unbecoming to become is so empowering

And yet, the moment you begin unbecoming to become, everyone you expected to support you - doesn’t.

Your parents and family are asking “what’s wrong”?

Your friends are begging to know what you’re going through, and what they can do for you

At work you may even be asked if you need a few days off.

Before you know it, you’re sabotaging your own growth

You’re choosing to remain the same and struggling to believe you can and will Change.

And you exhaust yourself with pushing a pulling against yourself

You exhaust yourself convincing and co-signing what your family says and believes about you

You exhaust yourself begging your friends to see and support who you’re becoming.

You exhaust yourself working for the approval and promotion at the job you don’t you don’t want

You’re so exhausted you choose not to become.

You choose mediocrity.
You choose inauthenticity.

God can’t bless who you pretend to be.

What if you decided to stop sabotaging and struggling with yourself instead?

What if you decided to stop trying to convince your family instead?

What if decided to stop begging to be seen and supported?

The challenge is not becoming - it’s your expectation of what becoming would look and feel like.

Set yourself free of the frustration of your expectations.

Unbecoming to become reveals peoples true characters.


Unbecoming to become requires audacity.

No more judging yourself for not reaching all of the goals you set this week, this month or this year - but not knowing how to shift to setting goals with intention.


No more feeling guilty about not crossing more things off your to-do list each day or week - but being overwhelmed with how to prioritize because everyone and everything seems so important.

No more being afraid to say no because people expect your yes - but you feel strongly God is calling you to do a new thing, and you're unsure how folks will respond when you say YES to YOURSELF.


You MUST have the audacity to be Famous at Home First.

And there are levels to this:

Famous at home with YOUR Creator, your source: God. Investing in and cultivating a strong relationship with Him. Knowing you are who He says you are
Famous at home in YOUR Body - from your mind and heart to your physical strength. Knowing your body is the temple where the Holy Spirit dwells and honoring it accordingly.
Famous at home where and with whom YOU Have Dominion Over. With the people and things God has given you dominion over. Stewarding them well. The best way to express gratitude for your blessings is by honoring God in the way you steward them.

Does this sound familiar?


  • You wake up in the morning and hit snooze until you have to get out of the bed or you'll be late for work again and you can't risk losing the only "source" you have right now. You're miserable  You're unfulfilled by the work you do so the best thing you can do is stay in bed as long as you can.​

  • You wake up in the morning and promise yourself as you prepare for your day that today is the day when you are going to come home and get focused on the things you wrote about in your journal, the things you've put on your vision board over and over again.  Only you're a procrastinator and you decide something else needs your time and attention.​

  • You wake up in the morning with no desire or drive to get out of the bed because you have no idea what to do to change the situation in your life.  No matter how hard you try things don't seem to be getting better and you can't see any way out of the never-ending cycle of brokenness, defeat, and dysfunction you're stuck in.​


If any of the above resonated for you, The Audacity Academy is for YOU!

What to Expect

  • An exclusive community with likeminded women

  • 21 Day P.O.W.E.R. Morning Experience with Workbook

  • Development of Your Personal Mission, Vision + Plan for Execution

  • Your Personal Breakthrough Blueprint

  • Weekly Group Coaching Sessions

  • You are The MVP Workbook

  • Manifest in a Month Workbook

  • And So Much More

Your Investment


Payment Plans Available


Month 1: The P.O.W.E.R. Morning

An hour of POWER every single morning for 21 days beginning at 5 a.m. EST (Yes, this is early - discipline for your destiny is going to require MORE of you!)

WEEK 1: Clarity
Trust Issues Phase 1: I can't​
Trust Issues Phase 2: I should

Week 3: Courage

Trust Issues Phase 3: I will

Week 4: Commitment

Trust Issues Phase 4: I MUST

Month 2: You Are The M.V.P.

Why am I feeling stuck?

What is the difference between stuck + survival mode?

Do I have trust issues?

What is The POWER Morning?


Month 3: Manifest in a Month

1 Month.

1 Goal

1 Plan.

No Excuses.

Exponential Results.

Your Hostess + Facilitator


Tiffany Huff-Strothers:

  • Life + Storytelling Coach

  • Award Winning Author

  • Award Winning Retreat Hostess

  • Serial Entrepreneur

Called to support and challenge women like you to CHOOSE live audaciously, starting with being Famous at Home First!​

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